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Calle Valdemorillo, 50 28925 Alcorcón Madrid, Spain
+34 916 466 267

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HS-MOS 2 – Conveyor mounted detection system


Gamma radiation on potentially contamined materials

The HS-MOS 2 has been designed for the detection and measurement of gamma radiation on potentially contaminated materials like soil, steel factory dust, scaffolding, luggage, etc.

An equipment that complies with the highest quality standards, designed and assembled in Spain.

  • Customized number of detectors up to 8 detectors for gamma or beta/gamma detection covering all sides of the conveyor
  • Customized detector size for each customer and application: 30×15 cm, 15×15 cm, etc.
  • Typical efficiency per detector >25% (Co-60 gamma) >12% (Cs-137 gamma)
  • 220 VAC, 60 Hz or 110 VAC 50 Hz
  • 10” touch screen for information and equipment control
  • Energy range: 50 KeV – 3 MeV.
  • Detection area per detector: 2500 cm2.
  • Each detector includes its own HV source & PMT.
  • Wheels to transport it to different locations easily
  • MDA <0,4 Bq/cm2
  • Alarms 100% configurable.
  • Option for MCAs and energy discrimination
  • Option for open window for beta detection
  • Option for NaI for spectrometry analysis
  • Automatic registration of all event, backgrounds, measurements, alarms, operation failures, etc.
  • Digital adjustment of the detectors (no any mechanical intervention is required)
  • Industrial PC with the latest OS Windows version
  • Calibration, verification and configuration modules
  • Software HS-RAD, that can be customized in any language
  • Voice module for customized voice messages
  • Remote operation can be included (TCP/IP)
  • USB connection for downloading all the data to an external device



Research, Nuclear/ Radiation Safety

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