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Dosimetrics OSL system


Dosimetrics started in 2013 as a spinoff from the Helmholtz Zentrum Munich, a German Research Center for Environmental Health.

Our signature BeOSL System was developed by our partners at the Radiation Physics Group of the Technical University Dresden with Helmholtz Zentrum Munich’s Auswertungsstelle​ which is the official personnel dosimetry service for Bavaria and four German states.

With nearly 2 million measurements per year, the Auswertungsstelle is the largest provider of dosimetry services in Europe.



The BeOSL Reader measures radiation exposure using a state-of-the-art technology, called optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). The detector material of our BeOSL Dosimeters is beryllium oxide (BeO).

 During the read out process, the material is exposed to light from a LED light source. This stimulus causes an instantaneous light emission from the BeO detectors which is measured by photomultiplier tubes (PMT). For a given stimulus, the amount of released light is directly proportional to the radiation dose to which the dosimeter was exposed.


The BeOSL Eraser can be operated either manually or in a cluster along with one of our solutions for automation.

It is designed to erase the 2-element and 4-element version of our BeOSL Dosimeters. Our BeOSL Eraser is as intelligent as all of our BeOSL Equipment.

It can identify the dosimeter which it is erasing. This means the eraser knows exactly the period of time the dosimeter needs and applies it to the dosimeter. This feature not only speeds up the process but also saves both time and money.

Due to the strength of the erasing stimulus, dosimeter identification and variable erasing times, a manually operated BeOSL Eraser can process over 90 dosimeters per hour or more.


The BeOSL Irradiator is designed to irradiate two-element and four-element BeOSL Dosimeters and it can be operated either manually or combined with one of our automation solutions.

Like the BeOSL Reader and Eraser, the BeOSL Irradiator automatically extracts the card with the detector elements from the dosimeter assembly.

After the irradiation process, the card is pushed back into the assembly and the dosimeter is ready for the readout. The easy handling and the short erasing times are a quick and timesaving process. For example, the

Irradiator can process more than 100 dosimeters per hour manually for a dose of 2 mSv.


Our BeOSL Dosimeters are personal dosimeters for measuring the personal dose equivalents Hp(10) and Hp(0,07).

Sintered ceramic beryllium oxide (BeO) detectors are readout on the principle of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL).

BeO is more tissue equivalent than any other commercially used OSL material and therefore ideal for personal dosimetry. With its great range of use, our BeOSL Dosimeters are perfect for almost all applications of whole body dosimetry.

We deliver only calibrated dosimeters. This is necessary as all BeO detectors have a different OSL sensitivity.


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